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A member registered Sep 10, 2020

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This might be one of the best surreal fps exploraton games i've played so far, the atmosphere is soo goood

But does this game only have 1 map with that black'n'white city? Or is there anything more to this game?

And wtf's with that cricket sound at the far northwest corner of the map? I've done everything in my power to get closer to it or at least get a look at it's source but to no avail, it's driving me insane

Hehe, you're right. It would be pretty cool if the girl actually toyed with players who are obviously to scared to even touch the keyboard like that. Who knows, maybe habupain will actually implement a similar mechanic, alongside fixing the AI

Hello again, here's a fresh batch of Alpha 1.3 bugs I've managed to discover:

1) If you play with the girl's AI long enough when she tries to hide from you, she will perform a wrong animation when hiding behind things as seen below:

2) I know you're going to impliment an actual ending to this game, but I still think this is worth sharing. You can actually lock her behind the exit door, which is pretty hilarious.

3) Pretty sure this once's already been adressed, but you can hide behind classroom doors, which messes with the girl's AI

Also, you can RELIABLY get her stuck behind said doors if you manage to trick her into hiding behind you (she gets out the moment you exit the room, however). This trick works with all classroom doors and even the cafeteria room.

4) If you position your back towards the girl AND look at your own feet, the girl wont be able to detect you. Like, at all. I've been standing at he center of the corridor looking at the floor and the girl just walked past me, completely oblivious to my presense

5) The bug from the 4th part of my report gets even weirder when she DOES see you. When you get detected by the girl, you can turn your back to her and look at the floor to "pacify" her. When you do this, she is unable to harm you, so all she can do is push you in the direction she is walking, for about 10-15 seconds before getting bored and just walking away, leaving you completely unharmed.

This is me standing at the corner of the room while she tries to walk toward me from behind.

And this is her being very sad and depressed because she couldn't get me while I was toying with her (she was standing like that silently for solid 20 seconds, I think I've hurt her feelings)

6) Lets return to the bug at the 3rd part. When you perform the previous bug with looking at the floor and then close the girl inside any classroom, her animation freezes in a peculiar manner as seen below:

She does that weird thing with both her hands at her face and does not stop. I've even managed to capture her while her animation was broken.

7)When you're hiding in a closet, the girl keeps returning to the room you're hiding in every 20 seconds even if you're not even pressing any buttons. This makes the hiding mechanic obsolete since the girl seems to know your exact location when you're hiding even though she does not approach you at all.

At one point I've been sitting in the closed for half an hour waiting for her to walk to the other side of the building... yet she kept coming back every 20 seconds.

In short, the game has some serious AI problems that make the game incredibly easy. But hey, I've had an absolute blast toying with the girl and exploiting her AI, searching for bugs in this game is pretty fun. I'll be looking forward to the next update for this game.

I really hope my little bug report was of any help to you

(3 edits)

Created this account just to tell you this

I really enjoyed this game, especially the fact that the antagonist's behavior is much more complex than I originally expected. I'll be looking forward to the next update.

There are, howerver, a couple of bugs I managed to discover.

First off, the girl cannot pathfind her way out of between 2 chairs in the dining room (as long as you're on the opposite side of the table);

Secondly, she can softlock herself near this particular desk in the B-1 classroom. This completely breaks the game since she is simply unable to continue patrolling, which lets you explore the entire building without having to worry about her at all! However, she managed to run out of this softlock the moment I started taunting her and running around the hallways.

Thirdly, while some keys do have a glowing yellow aura, some other keys completely lack it. This really threw me off since I expected all the keys to be glowing in the dark, so I struggled to find 2 remaining keys which were not glowing for at least 40 minutes...

Anyway, I thought these keys would start glowing if I played with the lightswitches in the classrooms, but that didn't work. They still refused to glow.

This is the key with the lights ON,

And the same key, with the lights OFF;

Another thing, when I won the game, the girl still continued chasing after me (she did not attack, however). Im not sure if this is intentional or not, but I though it would be important to let you know just in case.

And another thing,  I've discovered the most reliable way to check wherever or not the girl is right behind you without any risk of taking damage. All you have to do is go to anycorridor and position yourself near the window light. This makes it incredibly easy to spot her shadow (which is absolutely terrifying, I love this design choice.) 

But it does have a bit of a "problem" since your player character does NOT have any shadow. The only thing you can cast a shadow with is with a key in your hand, which leads to some derpy situations like this:

As you can see,  you can reliably check for the girl right behind you with this method. And this scene WOULD'VE been incredibly scary if not for the funny floating keys right next to her. This is not really a bug, but it does however kind of ruin the atmosphere I guess.

Speaking of the stalking-right-behind-your-back mechanic of the antagonist, I've discovered a way to "break" her AI for solid 5 seconds when she is doing that. All you have to do is get close to any door, close it and simultaniously go into the door right before it closes. Not only does the closing door push the girl away from your back, but it also gives you a big window of opportunity to make your escape while she is calculating her next move with her face glued to the door.

And lastly, I've discovered you can win the game while knowing only 3 numbers from the code instead of all 4. All you have to do is bruteforce  the code by trying out all the possible combinations with the last unknown number ranging from 0 to 9. Once again, I'm not sure if this is unintentional, but that did make the game a bit easier for me.

Anyway, that's all I have to report. Thank you for creating this game and psychologically scarring me for the rest of my life. I won't be able to look at cute anime girls the way I used to ever again...